Great Plains Storm
End of Winter Sale on Now! Use code WINTER20 for 20% off everything!
I grew up on the wide open Great Plains and one of the most amazing things you can see there is a massively powerful thunderstorm rolling towards you over the flat grasslands. It’s awesome, ominous and unnerving. I especially like it when the oncoming deluge takes on an eerie greenish tint. Hail perhaps? Thanks to photographer @chasingtheshiftinglight for letting me use his shot from the eastern Colorado plains as a reference for this painting. I hope you enjoy the results!
GREAT PLAINS STORM, Acrylic on Panel, 16 x 16”, ©2021 Jim Musil 🎨
End of Winter Sale on Now! Use code WINTER20 for 20% off everything!
I grew up on the wide open Great Plains and one of the most amazing things you can see there is a massively powerful thunderstorm rolling towards you over the flat grasslands. It’s awesome, ominous and unnerving. I especially like it when the oncoming deluge takes on an eerie greenish tint. Hail perhaps? Thanks to photographer @chasingtheshiftinglight for letting me use his shot from the eastern Colorado plains as a reference for this painting. I hope you enjoy the results!
GREAT PLAINS STORM, Acrylic on Panel, 16 x 16”, ©2021 Jim Musil 🎨
End of Winter Sale on Now! Use code WINTER20 for 20% off everything!
I grew up on the wide open Great Plains and one of the most amazing things you can see there is a massively powerful thunderstorm rolling towards you over the flat grasslands. It’s awesome, ominous and unnerving. I especially like it when the oncoming deluge takes on an eerie greenish tint. Hail perhaps? Thanks to photographer @chasingtheshiftinglight for letting me use his shot from the eastern Colorado plains as a reference for this painting. I hope you enjoy the results!
GREAT PLAINS STORM, Acrylic on Panel, 16 x 16”, ©2021 Jim Musil 🎨